Re: Post 2.0 idea

Kevin Buettner (
Sat, 4 May 1996 10:55:20 -0700 (MST)

> Linux is at the forefront of developments. (Pat yourselves on the back
> guys...) Last nigh I had this interresting idea (post 2.0) while talking to
> somebody about the upcomming OS/2 Merlin. Apparently Merlin will have voice
> recognition in the OS. Won't that be nice in Linux... Any takers for this
> huge effort? I for one will definately help implementing it.
> The ball is in your court

Voice recognition sounds really cool, but it doesn't belong in the kernel.

Don't be misled by the reports of various vendors jumping onto the bandwagon
and adding support for Java in the OS. I think that all this really means
is that support for Java will come bundled with the base OS. (I.e, the
Java VM and a certain base set of classes will come along with the OS.
You won't need to purchase them as a seperate product.) I don't think
this means that there will be any tight integration into the kernel. (And
I don't think there should be.)
