Re: Whee, Greased HedgeHog on Steroids, take 2

Derrik Pates (
Thu, 2 May 1996 08:38:11 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 1 May 1996, Edward S. Marshall wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Andrew C. Esh wrote:
> > 0 Chicken (which came first?)
> > 1 GroundHog
> > 2 Ostrich
> > 3 HedgeHog
> > 4 Penguin
> > 5 Kitten
> > 6 Owl
> > 7 Shrew
> > 8 Rabbit
> > 9 Hawk
> You forgot the penguin. Maybe throw in a platypus for good measure too.
> Hmm...might need to start doing hex version numbers, just so we can add in
> a few more animals here...whadd'ya think, Linus? :-)

He didn't forget. Look at #4. A platypus? You wan to compare Linux to
such an ugly, oddball creature? Scary. Very, very scary.

Derrik Pates

Win95 isn't the problem - OS/2 and DOS are. Win95 is the answer.
-- also --
Linux is the answer to the same problem.
-- but --
Linux is free.