Re: IDE problems 2.4.0-t9p8 and later

From: Eric Lowe (
Date: Thu Oct 05 2000 - 12:00:32 EST


> I did not change it and I have yet to get a good reason from the person
> who did. I have explained why it was wrong to change, but I guess things
> will have to start crashing again when Linus accepts changes that I never
> looked at or discussed.
> Take it up with ManDrake Linux folks, it was there person that submitted
> the change directly. I have VETOed the change, that only works in an
> environment that respects boundaries and specialities.

Agreed. I ran into the same problem myself, but I figured you probably
didn't break it. Would be nice to see it fixed though, I'm trying
to help debug the new VM on that machine that just so happens to use
that chipset, and it's hard to do that when it doesn't boot at all. :)

Eric Lowe
FibreChannel Software Engineer, Systran Corporation

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