Re: [HUMOR] Quake 1 source code.

Marek Habersack (
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:24:03 +0100

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* Daniel Silverstone (Kinnison) said:
> > Unfortunatly, if what it's needs to do =3D what it's users need, and it=
> > users need Linux to outperform NT at static web serving, then khttpd is
> > the right thing. Also, it doesn't gunk up the rest of your system if y=
> > arn't using it. So it's not a big deal.
> But I, who pay for my telephone calls - and only have a 14k4 modem, don't
> want to even download
> httpd's for a kernel - especially when I don't want to use them.
21728B - tarred and gzipped, that's about 5sec on an average modem
connection - how much would that be in $?? Come on...
> Fine for them to be in kernel-space as modules - but what's why make them
> part of the
> actual kernel tree, making those of us who don't want it, unable to downl=
> a kernel tree without it.
You don't have to download the kernel (it's been said on this list so many
time, that it's getting boring...) as a monolithic tarball... That's what
the patches were invented for. Having sources for 1.x you can upgrade to
2.3.34 - just the patches... So your argument is completely bogus.
> I use the lm_sensors package with the 2.2.x series to do health monitoring
> on my motherboard,
> and am perfectly happy for them to be separate from the main tree, as they
> compile and work
> beautifully.
Good for you.

> But then again, I would love to be able to split the kernel tree up and m=
> it more modular.
more? There are few things in the kernel driver tree that are NOT modular.

> I don't want to be downloading ISDN, Amateur radio, and similar, if I nev=
> ever use them.
> I don't have an ethernet card at home, but have to get all the ethernet
> sources also :(
So DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM. Download the patches and live happily.=20


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