Re: [HUMOR] Quake 1 source code.

Daniel Silverstone (
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 17:07:43 -0000

> Unfortunatly, if what it's needs to do = what it's users need, and it's
> users need Linux to outperform NT at static web serving, then khttpd is
> the right thing. Also, it doesn't gunk up the rest of your system if you
> arn't using it. So it's not a big deal.

But I, who pay for my telephone calls - and only have a 14k4 modem, don't
want to even download
httpd's for a kernel - especially when I don't want to use them.

Fine for them to be in kernel-space as modules - but what's why make them
part of the
actual kernel tree, making those of us who don't want it, unable to download
a kernel tree without it.

I use the lm_sensors package with the 2.2.x series to do health monitoring
on my motherboard,
and am perfectly happy for them to be separate from the main tree, as they
compile and work

I have nothing against a jack-of-all-trades kernelspace, what I have a
problem with, is a
massive main tree which contains silly things I would never ever want.

But then again, I would love to be able to split the kernel tree up and make
it more modular.
I don't want to be downloading ISDN, Amateur radio, and similar, if I never
ever use them.
I don't have an ethernet card at home, but have to get all the ethernet
sources also :(

But this is getting more into a "Split the kernel into nice separable
modules" argument so I'll end the thread


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