ctime or mtime of /proc/<PID>

Dag Wieers (dag@mind.be)
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 21:20:00 +0100 (CET)

Is it possible and what would be the objections against having a ctime or
mtime that corresponds with the start-time of that process ?

As i see it, all these entries in the proc-filesystem don't use the
ctime or mtime, so it could be useful for something like that.

For instance, entries that were created by a module could have a creation
time that corresponds with the time when that module has been loaded.

It would be nice for instance to do ls -t in /proc and have a chronologic
list of processes.

Thanks in advance,

--_| _ _ dag wieers, <dag@mind.be>, http://mind.be/
(_|(_|(_| all i want is a warm bed and a kind
( word and unlimited power.

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