Re: Possible workaround for buggy E801 call in 2.2.x

David Parsons (
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 21:22:59 -0800 (PST)

Prashant TR wrote:
> david parsons wrote:

> > Are there any cases where a system does not have E820 but has a
> > broken E801? And in that case, is there any safe way to deal
> > with it?
> I don't know of a system with E820 and a broken E801 at present.

One of the FIC slot-1 motherboards of recent vintage has exactly
that (the VB-601; I can't say the vintage of the bios, because
all the VB-601's I administer are parked about 4 miles north of
me right now.) That's what provoked the e820 implementation in
the first place -- e801 would tell me I had half a gig, 88 would
tell me 64mb, and e820 returns a memory map containing the correct
128mb of system ram.

david parsons \bi/ It works on the mighty Compaq 386/20, so it's
\/ passed the first wall of fire.

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