Re: RasterMan on linux and threads

Marcin Dalecki (
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 12:17:34 +0100 wrote:

> -> >
> -> > the preference weighting tries to kep themont he same cpu to some
> -> > extent - ut as allan poitned out - idle pu's will be preferred over
> -> > recyclign the came cpu - an that's exatly what i want... use up all he
> -> > cpu's u have - esecially if they're idle.
> ->
> -> Thank's Lord! Finally someone out there with a spelling even
> -> worser then myself!!
> i try hard - it takes a lot of effort :)

Nothing you should be proud about. You are at a level where
it hurts the eye during reading. And it hurts the brain if one gets
at the content of this particular thread...


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