warp speed still not good.

Marques Johansson (displague@linuxfan.com)
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 15:27:31 -0500 (EST)

Hash: RIPEMD160

The problem shown below has recurred in 2.3.33

Thursday, Marques Johansson, spilled the beans:

MJ> My system has found away to bridge distant areas of the universe in such
MJ> a way that i am able to bypass the limitations of natural physics.
MJ> My computer can age days in a matter of seconds..
MJ> Example: It took me twelve days to download the quake3 demo i started
MJ> downloading yesterday, and began playing a half hour later.. compressed
MJ> time is funny like that.
MJ> The joystick module may hold a candle to all of this:
MJ> Dec 16 18:23:09 fall kernel: js: Measured PIT speed is 43.268 MHz, but should be 1.193 MHz.
MJ> Dec 16 18:23:09 fall kernel: js: This is probably caused by wrong BogoMIPS value. It is: 333, should be: 1249.
MJ> Dec 16 18:23:09 fall kernel: js: Version 1.2.13 using 333 MHz RDTSC timer.
MJ> (btw: my system is a 333mhz celeron)
MJ> My uptime, date, usleep, and rtctest (included in
MJ> linux/Documentation/rtc.txt) all operate correctly.
MJ> Netscape will give me a javascript popup on my bank's website after a few
MJ> seconds telling me that my connection has gone idle for more than five
MJ> minutes and i will be disconnected.
MJ> XFree screen blanks whenever the mouse or keyboard is not in use (very
MJ> annoying).
MJ> I think the following may be relevant:
MJ> fall:/usr/src# tar Ixvf /tmp/linux-2.3.33.tar.bz2
MJ> ....
MJ> linux/kernel/module.c
MJ> linux/kernel/itimer.c
MJ> linux/kernel/info.c
MJ> kernel BUG at /usr/src/linux/include/linux/pagemap.h:96!
MJ> invalid operand: 0000
MJ> CPU: 0
MJ> EIP: 0010:[<c012101a>]
MJ> EFLAGS: 00010286
MJ> eax: 00000039 ebx: c110ae30 ecx: 0000002b edx: 00000010
MJ> esi: c2dc2768 edi: 00000000 ebp: c3fe32d8 esp: c256bf0c
MJ> ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
MJ> Process tar (pid: 25496, stackpage=c256b000)
MJ> Stack: 00000060 c110ae30 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0122feb c110ae30 c2dc2768
MJ> 00000000 c3fe32d8 c2e45e00 ffffffea 00000000 c2e45e00 c2dc2744 c2dc272c
MJ> 30b709da c2dc2768 00000000 000002e1 ffffffe5 00000000 c110ae30 c3fe32d8
MJ> Call Trace: [<c0122feb>] [<c0142db5>] [<c012c674>] [<c012a19a>] [<c010b7c0>]
MJ> Code: 0f 0b eb 19 89 f6 39 36 75 16 6a 63 68 a0 2a 21 c0 68 85 29
MJ> Segmentation fault
MJ> fall:/usr/src# uname -a
MJ> Linux fall.disp.pwac 2.3.29 #3 Sun Dec 5 10:20:19 EST 1999 i686 unknown
MJ> I tried it a second time, and tar (or gzip?) locked up trying to
MJ> uncompress/unarchive. (can't even ctrl+c or ctrl+z it)
MJ> It is possible that the kernel source archive was corrupted since my
MJ> downloaded was continually interrupted because of how long lftp thought
MJ> the download was taking. But tar crashing? kernel bug? nah...
MJ> Any ideas? $10 says this problem is already resolved and I am just a fool
MJ> for not having upgraded sooner. (i won't specify what currency the $10 is
MJ> in, needless to say, in real money it is worthless)

Hello all.. Just recycling my old message as upgrading has not solved the

Linux fall.disp.pwac 2.3.33 #1 Thu Dec 16 21:05:23 EST 1999 i686 unknown

I do have more information though. I am suffering from the same symptoms,
although I have just realized that it did not begin until after the first
time power management kicked on in X with Netscape running. The display
has started flickering again based on my mouse usage, and my bank is
kicking me off again.

The funny thing is, this machine has been up and in X:
3:22pm up 2 days, 16:46, 6 users, load average: 1.00, 0.99, 0.61
and the problem has only just started occuring a few moments ago. Again,
I believe the only difference is that I did not have netscape open during
all the other times that X may have gone into dpms. Maybe something to do
with threaded apps? I have not tryed to unarchive the kernel file again,
but here are some notes from when I did: the tar process could not be
killed suspended or -9'd, I was able to unarchive it from an older kernel.
Marques Johansson

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