Re: 2.3.30pre1 syscall w/6 args support?

Kai Henningsen (
08 Dec 1999 10:01:00 +0200 (Linus Torvalds) wrote on 07.12.99 in <>:

> So this would be just another such "virtually pinned" page, except it
> would be readable from user space too (but obviously not writable). It can
> contain any number of trampolines and/or other data (although I don't
> really see what static data would ever be that timing-critical).

Not static data, no. But think about putting some dynamic data there.
Like, say, some version of user-space readable jiffies. There are some
applications that would benefit from having access to those without
syscall overhead. There may be some other similar stuff, too.

As for jiffies, under good ol' DOS, one thing I've done fairly often was
to use the BIOS ticker value to decide if I should refresh some cached
values, like, say, my idea of system time (usually by the rule "no more
than once per tick"), or user feedback, so as to not spend too much time
doing that. There doesn't seem to be a good equivalent for Linux

MfG Kai

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