Re: Ext3 Filesystem

Scott Henry (
07 Dec 1999 10:00:08 -0800

>>>>> "M" == Michael Weller <> writes:

M> I was under the impression that journal.dat is only intended to get a
M> somehow running system. I mean, what you really want is: have the journal
M> on a separate partition with no filesystem at all. Best of all on a
M> seperate disk (controller, maybe). And you might want to have one journal
M> only for all filesystems. So, journal.dat is an intermediate thing,
M> definitely useful for testing and moving filesystems between ext2 and 3
M> but not what the enduser will want to have.

M> So, rather than concentrating on making journal.dat invisible and what,
M> that is, try to mold a pure intermediate debugging thing into concrete,
M> rather than that: Fix any outstanding ext3 bugs (out of interest: do
M> readonly mounts now work?), then add the journal on different partitions
M> and combined journal of several disk features. This is what you want, not
M> a hack around an invisible journal.dat file. (Ok, if the rest works, you
M> may add it somehow for those that really think they need it).

The experience of XFS on IRIX is that unless you put the journal on
a REALLY fast device, like a battery-backed SSD, then the difference
in performance between an internal journal and an external one is
noise, even on very large, active, and performance-critical
filesystems. Ie: writing to the journal is NOT a bottleneck.

This was quite a surprising result... Though it does imply that
XFS/IRIX got the write ordering, batching, etc correct.

I certainly can't speak for the Ext3 implementation, of course.

 Scott Henry <> /  Help! My disclaimer is missing!
 IRIX MTS,                   /  GIGO *really* means: Garbage in, Gospel Out
 Silicon Graphics, Inc      /

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