[patch] kHTTPd::sock_send_actor() 2.3.30-6

Mike Galbraith (mikeg@weiden.de)
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 10:33:05 +0100 (CET)


A few kernel releases ago, I noticed that kHTTPd ceased to function.
Looking into it just now, it seems to only need a simple update to
sock_send_actor(). Stealing a new set of innards cured the problem.


--- ./net/khttpd/datasending.c.org Sun Dec 5 08:44:39 1999
+++ ./net/khttpd/datasending.c Sun Dec 5 08:55:29 1999
@@ -55,16 +55,23 @@
It sends the data to the socket indicated by desc->buf.

-static int sock_send_actor(read_descriptor_t * desc, const char *area, unsigned long size)
+static int sock_send_actor(read_descriptor_t * desc, struct page *page, unsigned long offset, unsigned long size)
int written;
+ unsigned long kaddr;
unsigned long count = desc->count;
struct socket *sock = (struct socket *) desc->buf;
+ mm_segment_t old_fs;

if (size > count)
size = count;
- written = SendBuffer_async(sock,(char *)area,size);
+ old_fs = get_fs();
+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);

+ kaddr = kmap(page);
+ written = SendBuffer_async(sock,(char *)kaddr + offset,size);
+ kunmap(page);
+ set_fs(old_fs);
if (written < 0) {
desc->error = written;
written = 0;

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