Re: Kernel Reliability !!

Lars Marowsky-Bree (
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:15:59 +0100

On 1999-12-03T05:31:01,
"Jene S Quois" <> said:

> Expanding the same question, what are the
> features that have been incorporated into the
> Linux kernel for high-availability,
> high-reliability and servicability ? And in
> case it is already there, Is it in the
> mainstream kernel or externally available ?

Depends. If Linux is ready for your task depends mainly on your task - your
very general question can't be answered that easily.

You want to check out and

Parts are there to provide application failover between servers, cluster
servers into web/mail farms (or whatever), clustering file systems are comeing
along etc.

It is more ontopic on the linux-ha mailing list too, where we would be happy
to discuss this with you and the rest.

Lars Marowsky-Brée

Lars Marowsky-Brée
Network Management Netzdienste GmbH

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