Unkillable processes with 2.2.12/2.2.13pre17

Ville Herva (vherva@niksula.hut.fi)
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:50:59 +0200

I've been having processes that I can't kill. Accoring to ps, they are in
run state, but even hundreds of "kill -9 <pid>"'s as root don't scare
them. They don't take cpu, but they do take some memory. The only way to
get rid of them is to reboot.

This has happened three times; once with 2.2.12 and twice with

With 2.2.12 it was an mpg123 process that writing to /dev/dsp while it was
opened by another process. The process just sat there even after the
other process finished. The process did not do anything, I was unable to
kill it, but it did have the /dev/dsp open. So I was unable to use the
sound card until I rebooted. (I have an es1370).

The two times I've had unkillable process with 2.2.13pre17, it's been
enlightenment-0.16. It has just locked solid while bieng idle, and I've
been unable to kill it. I have been able to kill X and restart both X and
enlightenment, but the old enlightenment process never died, no matter how
many -KILL's I gave to it.

I planned to attach the ps -listing, but I had to reset my machine because
the Xfree86's DPMS code had locked it up. It works fine most of the time,
but after some 15 days of use it usually locks up. (I have XFree86-3.3.5,
Millennium II and Panasonic 5G Pro.) Has anybody else had this symptom?

-- v --


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