2.3.29 and some modules

Wakko Warner (wakko@animx.eu.org)
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 17:54:03 -0500

Some things won't compile as a module in 2.3.29. The 2 that I ran across
are ext2 and ide. Basically it complains about version something (i forgot
now, the error isn't on my screen now).

I don't know if this is the proper fix or not, but I added
#define __NO_VERSION__

at the beginning of drivers/block/ide-features.c and all .c files in fs/ext2
except for super.c

Since the kernel is for a diskless machine I didn't want the above modules
in the kernel. After booting, I was able to mount 2 ide hard drives using
ext2 w/o problems. I didn't do anything more than just mounting and doing
an ls in the root of each mount.

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