Re: [Patch] shm bug introduced with pagecache in 2.3.11

Arjan van de Ven (
Sat, 20 Nov 1999 01:51:23 +0100 (CET)

In article <> you wrote:

> Well, the more I look at a read-write semaphore, the more I like it: it

> Is anybody willing to take a stab at creating a read-write semaphore?

The book "UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures" by Curt Schimmel discusses
read-write semaphores on page 234, he also has a prototype implementation,
based on "normal" semaphores.

The book suggests a per semaphore lock for internal variables.

The struct mr_lock looks like this (pseudo C)

struct mr_lock {
semap_t m_lock; /* protects the structure mr_lock */
int m_rdcnt; /* # of active readers */
int m_wrcnt; /* # of active writers, 0 or 1 */
int m_rdwcnt; /* # of waiting reader */
int m_wrcnt; /* # of waiting writers */
waitqueue m_rdwait; /* waitqueue of waiting readers */
waitqueue m_wrwait; /* waitqueue of waiting writers */

Do you think an implementation based on this (and the other examples from
the book) is acceptable? Since the implementation uses already available
primitives, no assembly or other architecture-specific stuff is required.

Arjan van de Ven

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