LK in a BK repository screen shots

Larry McVoy (
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 01:07:50 -0800

Yeah, yeah, I know you all think BitKeeper is really BitVapor but point
your browser at and take a look at
couple of screen shots of the actual linux tree in a BK repository.

You can see both the screen shots and the graph I drew almost a year ago,
they even sort of match up.

This tree is _almost_ ready for release. We need to do a pass over it
to pick up the renames so the history doesn't get chopped when a file
moves and then we can ship it (and BK 1.0).

Here's the ``init file'' which was used to pull in the tarballs - this
will be a supported feature of 1.0, it isn't in the beta:

project linux
config linux.config
name The Linux Kernel Project
tarballs /u2/c/kernels
patchdir patches_dir
renames no
verbose no
tag yes
v0.0/linux-0.01 v0.0/linux-0.10 # cset 1.3
v0.0/linux-0.10 v0.0/linux-0.99.15j # cset 1.4
newlod parent linux-0.99.15j
v0.0/linux-0.99.15j v1.0/linux-1.0 # cset 2.1
v1.0/linux-1.0 v1.0/linux-1.0.6 # cset 2.2
v1.0/linux-1.0.6 v1.0/linux-1.0.9 # cset 2.3
newlod parent linux-1.0.6
v1.0/linux-1.0.6 v1.1/linux-1.1.0 # cset 3.1
v1.1/linux-1.1.0 v1.1/linux-1.1.95 # cset 3.2
newlod parent linux-1.1.95
v1.1/linux-1.1.95 v1.2/linux-1.2.0 # cset 4.1
v1.2/linux-1.2.0 v1.2/linux-1.2.10 # cset 4.2
v1.2/linux-1.2.10 v1.2/linux-1.2.13 # cset 4.3
newlod parent linux-1.2.10
v1.2/linux-1.2.10 v1.3/linux-1.3.0 # cset 5.1
v1.3/linux-1.3.0 v1.3/linux-1.3.100 # cset 5.2
newlod parent linux-1.3.100
v1.3/linux-1.3.100 v2.0/linux-2.0 # cset 6.1
v2.0/linux-2.0 v2.0/linux-2.0.21 # cset 6.2
v2.0/linux-2.0.21 v2.0/linux-2.0.38 # cset 6.3
newlod parent linux-2.0.21
v2.0/linux-2.0.21 v2.1/linux-2.1.0 # cset 7.1
v2.1/linux-2.1.0 v2.1/linux-2.1.132 # cset 7.2
newlod parent linux-2.1.132
v2.1/linux-2.1.132 v2.2/linux-2.2.0 # cset 8.1

It took around 10 minutes to generate the patches and then apply them and
build up the tree.

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