Re: system crash when shutting down
Sun, 7 Nov 1999 21:04:19 +0000

On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 03:23:28PM +0000, wrote:
> What happens is that if I ctrl-alt-del the machine, the system crashes
> completely. The harddrive led stays on and nothing is possible anymore.
> (keyboard dead as well, including the special sysrq stuff)
> how should I proceed to find what is causing this problem ?

as a sidenote -- shutdown -r -t 4 now is executed and if I get rid of the -t
4, the number of times it fails to shutdown is decreased.

the system emits :

b/cast msg from root.. system going down for reboot

INIT: switching to runlevel 6
INIT: sending programs the TERM signal
[and there it hangs]

note that with the same hardware, not SMP but UP kernels -- it happily
reboots without problems.

it seems an SMP vs UP issue and might be timing related or so.

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