RE: locking user memory and kiobuf

Bret Indrelee (
Sun, 7 Nov 1999 14:33:15 -0600

Douglas Gilbert [] wrote:
> The kiobuf mechanism may be the way to go but it (or associated
> bits of the kernel) has some rough edges. Stephen Tweedie seems
> to be very busy so perhaps someone else could look at some of
> these points:
> 1) If a driver has 2 or more pointers to the user space (e.g.
> iovec scatter gather mechanism) then the second call to
> map_user_kiobuf runs the risk of hanging forever if it
> presents a range containing a page that the first call
> to map_user_kiobuf has already locked. [I think
> map_user_kiobuf should have a variant to return EBUSY
> rather than always wait for the page in question to free
> up. Could it determine that the current kernel thread is
> holding that page and so _not_ wait on it?]
> 2) If a character driver plans to call unmap_kiobuf in its
> release() call then it may never get a chance. Linux
> seems to freeze the process due to locked pages _before_
> it closes down file descriptors. This situation occurs when
> SIGINT hits a process. A side affect of this is that the driver
> will not release other resources and, if it is a module, will
> not unload.
> 3) As of 2.3.21 (I'm yet to try this on 2.3.25) trying to use
> unmap_kiobuf() in a bh handler results in a "BUG" oops. BTW
> This was an attempted work-around of point 2.
> 4) As of 2.3.25 map_user_kiobuf() and unmap_kiobuf() are not
> exported symbols in kernel/ksyms.c making them difficult to
> access from a module.
> So the kiobuf mechanism may be sufficient for the "raw"
> character device but it needs more work (and documentation)
> before other driver writers are encouraged to use it.

Just to add a couple of my own:

5) Since one of the expected uses of this is char DMA drivers, it would be
nice to include something that builds a scatter/gather list of PCI bus
addresses from the kiovec[] array information.

6) Documentation on this interface is non-existent.

7) If the BIGMEM stuff is going to allow data to exist in areas that PCI
can't access, we need some way of handling this. I think that this will
present a problem on some systems, but am not sure if the hardware already
has a method for handling this or not. I would suspect it would be best to
handle it in the map_user_kiobuf() routine, since that is the routine that
makes sure that everything is in physical memory.

For my own use, I would also like to get a patch put together that makes
this interface available in 2.2 kernels. That way people don't have to wait
for 2.4 before using my device.


SBS Technologies, Connectivity Products
... solutions for real-time connectivity

Bret Indrelee, Engineer
SBS Technologies, Inc., Connectivity Products
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