Writing kernel modules

Piotr Wilkin (pwilkin@astercity.net)
Sat, 6 Nov 1999 21:53:20 +0100 (CET)

I have just started writing kernel modules and dabbling in kernel code.
I have written a kernel module that locks an inode in the VFS directly
from the kernel. The module's source code is available at
"http://www.astercity.net/~pwilkin/file_lock/". Since this is my first
module written, I would appreciate some feedback, as well as some
information as to where to find any material relating kernel code
(I have read some docs from the LDP, as well as A. Rubini's "Linux Device
Drivers"). I would also appreciate if someone could direct me to some
websites containing tutorials on Unix assembly on i386 platforms.

Piotr Wilkin

Public PGP key: http://www.astercity.net/~pwilkin/pubkey.pgp

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