RE: Subject: filecorruption [kernel]

Jones D (
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 16:20:43 -0000

> Also a desktop we have with an internal ATAPI ZIP will not mount a
> Win98 formatted vfat disk. If I run fdisk on it, I get all 4
> partitions and a bunch of warnings. Removing all partions and making
> partition 4 type 6, then using mkfs to make a dos partion seems to work
> for Linux, but the disk is not readable under Windows. A Windows
> reformat messes up the partition table and makes a disk that is not
> readable under Linux.

FWIW: On my system, if I format a zip in windows, I get a strange looking
partition table on the zip when I 'fdisk /dev/hd , but can still mount it
mount -t vfat /dev/hdb4 /mnt/zip
The same disk works fine in Windows.

I wouldn't worry about the mangled looking partition table.
I think it might have something to do with the disks being able to
be used in Macs too. (I'm sure someone will correct me if this is wrong :)



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