Apology to Linux Community

Jeff V. Merkey (jmerkey@timpanogas.com)
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 18:29:09 -0700

The Linux.Org folks asked me to do this to help smooth some very ruffled

I want to apologize to the Linux folks for getting into the biggest
pissing match of all time with Gerard Roudier over the design of the
buffer cache. I realize that folks have a lot of pride in their work,
and I can get overly-agressive. I want everyone to realize however,
that I am a part of the Linux community now, and plan to be long term,
so I will try to note be so overly-agressive and condescending. Like
the rest of you, I am trying to put out complex technology and sometimes
forget that others are not as direct and aggressive. I sincerely
apologize to all of you and will try to do better in the future.

If it helps folks understand why I'm this way, I am the 1-27 million --
I am a double YY chromosone male, which is why I am overly agressive
with others. Throw some water on me to cool things down if they get too

Faithfully yours,

The guy putting NDS and Netware stuff on Linux.

Jeff Merkey

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