Re: Linux Buffer Cache Does Not Support Mirroring

Jeff V. Merkey (
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 15:42:56 -0700


Yes. But lots of folks are still using it (including me) because it's
stable as a rock. 2.2 is almost there from a maturation standpoint.
It's had a lot of good soak time. We always try to support everything
that's out there within a four year window, so that's why we will still
support it.


Jes Sorensen wrote:
> >>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff V Merkey <> writes:
> Jeff> Stephen,
> Jeff> This is only supported on the newer kernels. Older Linux
> Jeff> (2.0.38) does not support a general purpose interface, or
> Jeff> support the callback. This means that we will need to support
> Jeff> multiple methods of doing this I/O to cover all Linux versions.
> Jeff> It appears we will be synchronous on 2.0.38 and older Linux.
> Jeff> This is assuming I can find a way to get around the fact that
> Jeff> all of the functions needing to be called are not declared
> Jeff> "static" as they are today.
> Excuse me, but this is like complaining about Solaris 2.3 and Solaris
> 2.6 being different internally. Linux 2.0.x is almost 3 years old.
> Jes
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