Re: diff -X exclude_file for patching live kernels?

Ph. Marek (
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 14:39:35 +0200

>Hi guys,
>Does some kind soul have an exclude file for being able to run
>diff -urN -X exclude_file linux linux-patched > my.patch 2>&1
>i.e. I can put patterns like "*.o" ".config" etc etc but it will take time
>to find them all out.
>This would allow making patches from the compiled patched tree without
>having to do "make mrproper" each time.
Well, the Best(tm) Way would be to reverse-parse the Makefiles and see
which files are generated by some others and then ignore them. Could be a
extension to make, diff or both - or a seperate program.

Would be very usefull in other projects too...



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