why so many NMIs??? (2.3.21)

Tigran Aivazian (tigran@sco.COM)
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 12:58:42 +0100 (BST)


Here is what I just noticed:

# cat /proc/interrupts
0: 24134 53930 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 53 59 IO-APIC-edge keyboard
2: 0 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 1 0 IO-APIC-edge rtc
13: 1 0 XT-PIC fpu
14: 3 2 IO-APIC-edge ide0
22: 16 14 IO-APIC-level sym53c8xx
23: 1132 1137 IO-APIC-level sym53c8xx
30: 849 945 IO-APIC-level TLAN
NMI: 77932 77932
LOC: 77487 77632
ERR: 0
# uname -a
Linux elisha 2.3.21 #3 SMP Thu Oct 14 13:33:22 BST 1999 i686 unknown

Why so many NMIs? Should be 0, I would have thought...


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