Re: knfsd 1.5.x and patches provided with it.?? (I am so

Marco Bano (
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 17:44:06 +0100

>>> Christian Reis <> 10/08/99 06:07pm >>>
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Marco Bano wrote:

> I was having a lots of performance problems with linux 2.2.12 and nfs
> with clients not linux. from the knfsd tar file it is not clear:

Unpatched 2.2.12?! I'm surprised it works at all.

> 1) I have to apply the patches (provided on the knfsd 1.5.2) in a
> linux 2.2.12 ? 2) NFSv3 and knfsd 1.5.2 ... which patches I have to
> install for make it v3 compatible.

Yes, all the patches as described in the README/INSTALL. Some are for
2.2.7 but apply clean, some are newer. The names are a bit confusing, but
give them a try.

Without the patches knfsd is not supposed to work!

> 3) Have I to RE-create the nfs kernel-modules after the installation
> of knfsd 1.5.x ? I didn't yet understand how kernel modules and [nfsd]
> processes interact ...

Yes - nfsd is the kernel thread that runs on the code in the nfsd module.
Better put: you load the module and the kernel will spin some threads
providing the service.

You must recompile the kernel and modules after patching, and reboot. It's
worth it.


Thanks a lot...
I have redhat 6.1 and I feel that it is already patched ..
I tried a diff between it and lernel2.2.12 and in the code there is already some difference (maybe the nfs patches and more.)
But I really don't understand yet :

-- the kernel nfsd (module) have something in common with the knfsd (rpc.mountd ) that you compile with the knfsd 1.5.2 ?


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