Re: PUBLIC CHALLENGE: (was RE: devfs again, (was RE: USB device a lloc ation) )

Nathan Hand (
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 01:11:36 +1000

On Fri, Oct 08, 1999 at 02:38:37PM -0700, david parsons wrote:
> It solves the problems I have with the existing black magic
> system, which is that I want the kernel to tell me what devices
> it has on it.

Would a /proc/devices file which lists all devices also solve your
problems with the existing system?

I like the /proc/devices idea. It's relatively simple. It avoids a
lot of contentious ideas (permissions, not using VFS, mechanism vs
policy). Including /proc/devices will not impact /dev at all (thus
avoids persistence arguments).

But a /proc/devices will still let you have your autodetection and
let me have a dynamically changing /dev.

> One of the things I do with Linux is to write my own distribution.
> As part of this, I'm trying to build an installer that autodetects
> as much of the system as it can. Currently I need to jump through a
> lot of poorly-documented hoops to do this; for example, with a
> devfs numerating the number of partitions on a system is a simple
> case of trawling through /dev for the appropriate files, but if I
> don't have devfs, I get chore of running ``fdisk -l'' and picking
> the output apart.

HPA, would you be open to the idea of /proc/devices. This won't be
a terrific loss of functionality from the existing devfs.

Nathan Hand - Chirp Web Design - - $e^{i\pi}+1 = 0$
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