Re: Unicode support on VGA console.

Jan Bobrowski (
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 17:39:59 +0200 (MET DST)

> > Nobody will use unicode on low-end i386 router because it's usable
> > only on workstation anyway. Workstations have 16MB at least so it takes
> > 1/1000 unswapable memory at most. Memory cost is not importand.
> If you are short enough on kernel memory that you don't want to use a
> framebuffer -- which doesn't have the hardware character limit -- then
> it does matter. If not, you're better off using a framebuffer rather
> than swapping the CRTC tables on the fly -- it's always going to work.

1. not every graphics card have fb driver.

2. ordinary font for all characters from left-to-right written western
scripts will take much more memory. My code generates 'aacute' form 'a'
and 'acute' glyphs.


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