Re: Ext3 filesystem info?

Helge Hafting (
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 16:49:45 +0200

Dr. Michael Well wrote:
> So, acls are a nice thing for users which are not admins that want to
> share files beyond the rather simplistic group structure of Unix.
> Now, the admin might actually not want users to share such info for
> whatever reason. So, there are possible security issues.

I can't see a security issue. User may do a "chmod oug+rwx filename"
today, giving everybody else full access to their file(s). The ability
to give the same free access to only a subset of everybody don't
seem dangerous to me.

> Also, things are
> far more complex to review if any user can give access to anyone through
> acls. The acls are not seen directly with ls

ls is fixable. Possibly by extending "ls -l" to show acl's or at
least indicate in some way that acl's are present. The latter may
be preferable to avoid script incompatibilities, sonething like this:
Arw-r--r-- 1 helge helge 140 Feb 9 1999 .bash_profile
The 'A' indicates that acl(s) are present, the user may then use
something like "ls --acl" and get the full acl information.

Helge Hafting

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