Re: "CONFIG_PROCFS" problem in 2.3.18ac8

Alex Nicolaou (
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 01:53:43 -0400

Matti Aarnio wrote:

> As a side note, job for a aspiring kernel hacker:
> In the system (for i386) there are now 565 'CONFIG_.*' entries and
> TWO 'IDEDMA_.*' entries. Scanning the system for such defines which
> are *NOT* defined in any configuration script file would be worthwhile
> job for somebody. Any takers ?
> If somebody makes tools to automate such scan, could they, please, be
> published ?

grep CONFIG_ $(find . -type f -a -name '*.[chS]') |
grep ':#if' |
grep -v -F "$(grep ^CONFIG Documentation/" |
awk -F: '{print $2}' |
sort -u

almost does what you want. But there are a lot of CONFIG_ #ifdef's that
never appear in the file for i386, so this ends up
producing too much output. If you replaced "$(grep ^CONFIG
Documentation/" with some other way of generating a list,
one per line, of all the CONFIG_ options that you think *are* used, then
the output would be more useful. Also if you got the output down to a
managable amount, you'd probably want to remove the awk and the sort so
that you could see exactly where the problematic #ifdef's are.


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