dumb 2.3.18ac2 question on vmlinux.lds

Thomas Molina (tmolina@home.com)
Mon, 13 Sep 1999 07:50:47 -0500 (CDT)

There's obviously something I'm not understanding here. I used the
2.3.18ac2 patch on a clean 2.3.18 tree (patch -p1 < patch-2.3.18ac2) and
got told it was trying to make a new file called arch/i386/vmlinux.lds
which already existed. Running make mrproper gets rid of that file and
lets the patch run cleanly. Here's the confusing part to me: The
README file says to patch your kernel, then run make mrproper. But if I
do that it gets rid of the file the patch just created. Could someone
hit me with the cluestick on this one?

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