2.3.17 scsi_debug quick hack

Alexandre Hautequest (hquest@istm.com.br)
Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:51:35 -0300

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Hi all.

Other module i´ve got a little trouble to compile was scsi_debug.
Atacched is a quick hack to compile the code. Just one #if 0 definition
in line #360 without #end... If someone´s prefer to put the #end in the
code, fell free to do it :)


| Alexandre Hautequest    |  ISTM do Brasil - www.istm.com.br |
|  hquest@istm.com.br     |      Centro de Suporte Linux      |
|   Suporte Técnico       |    r Pe. Anchieta, 793 - Mercês   |
|  Linux User# 116289     |            Curitiba - PR          |
|                         |          +55 41 335-1600          |
|   --- As opiniões aqui expressas são únicas do autor, ---   |
|        --- podendo não ser as mesmas da empresa. ---        |
| - Alem do obvio ululante que pulula nas mentes humanas... - |
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