Re: Some general LINUX questions on compiling and header files

Mr. James W. Laferriere (
Thu, 9 Sep 1999 10:19:40 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Wakko & Bret , you can try the below . It should work
on any system that can run GCC >=2.7.2 .

On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Wakko Warner wrote:
> > I've been looking around and haven't been able to find a few things on Linux
> > that I was expecting to find.
> >
> > 1. Is there a standard preprocessor token you can check for to know that the
> > compilation is on Linux? I'm looking for something like the __sun token that
> > is predefined by the compiler, so I can put conditional code in a module I
> > share amoungst multiple operating systems.

# touch junk.c
# gcc -E -dM junk.c

Hth, JimL
| James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
| Network Engineer | 25416 22nd So | Give me Linux |
| | DesMoines WA 98198 | only on AXP |

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