Re: 2048 bytes/sector media in 2.2.12

Guest section DW (
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 02:32:39 +0200 (MET DST)

From: Benjamin Carter <>
Subject: 2048 bytes/sector media in 2.2.12

I tried changing the fdisk code to turn off the
limitation of the -b option to try a read for 4k.
Then, it never even got that far: it couldn't get past
the malloc() call right about:

fdisk.c:566: if (!(buffers[partitions] = (char *) malloc(sector_size)))
fdisk.c:567: fatal(out_of_memory);

This worked up to -b 2258, but anything higher wouldn't work.

You wrote a buggy C program, where you tried to read a lot
into a small buffer. In other words, if you `turn off the
limitation' then you also have to increase MAX_SECTOR_SIZE.

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