Re: info format (was Re: Linux 2.2.11pre4)

(no name) ((no email))
10 Aug 1999 13:47:29 -0400

>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Curry <> writes:
> that it would only be a few minutes work for someone to convert the
> perlfunc(1) man page into a set of pages and stick them in section (3perl).

Note that `info libc crypt' already works.
As does `info --index PRECIOUS "GNU make"' (this "GNU make" thing is
stupid, tho. It should just be "make" of "gmake").

> And to the people who think man isn't searchable enough... it just occurred
> to me that maybe the reason you think that is that you haven't got a decent
> $PAGER. Give this a chance:
> export PAGER=less;export LESS='-s -M -c';man less

I already use this, of course. So yes, searching kind of works.
- that's not a true alternative to an index (do a search for `open'
in perlfunc and see hundreds of uninteresting matches). `man -k'
does provide some help but then currently fails miserably for perl.
- a search will only search within one manpage, which is perfect for
small enough documentation to fit in one page, but not for perl.
The problem becomes serious with the proposal to split perlfunc.

All we need is a texi2man. Sadly this will probably require at
least reworking some TeXinfo files for better texi2man output or
probably even changes to TeXinfo (at the very least guidelines) to allow
texi2man to do its job properly. If texi2man can do its job properly,
than `info' should also be able to provide man-like behavior.


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