Re: First WinModem for Linux

Bernd Eckenfels (
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 03:09:30 +0200

In article <Pine.LNX.4.10.9908091740210.713-100000@asdf.capslock.lan> you wrote:
> I'm aware of the various drivers in the current kernel source,
> and addons as well. My point is that I cannot just grab any old
> modem RIGHT NOW, and slap it into a Linux machine and have it
> work. It will be QUITE some time until this is untrue, and I
> challenge you to prove otherwise. I'm not talking about FSK
> sound modems, or any other radio telecommunications stuff either,
> I'm talking about grabbing a standard "go into the computer store
> and get a joe blow 56k/28k/14k modem for connecting to the
> internet via telephone" modem, and getting it to work.

Well.. perhaps the computer stores in germany are other than yours, but
winmodems are very seldom over here.. nobody realy wants to use them... even
under windows.


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