fbcon cruft removal (continued).

Petr Vandrovec (vandrove@vc.cvut.cz)
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 17:38:20 +0200

Hi Jones,
try changing your line with something like
scr_memsetw(conp->vc_origin, conp->vc_video_erase_char,
(conp->vc_size_row * conp->vc_top) ); /* maybe /2, you'll see */
update_region(fg_console, conp->vc_origin,
(conp->vc_size_row * conp->vc_top) / 2);
update_region ...

It should work. You can also change to videomode which has more lines than
old (for example from 80x25 -> 80x34 it will work without problems). And
if you want 100% compatible solution, fbcon_show_logo() can compute right
margin of painted logos and you should then call update_region after
fbcon_show_logo() only for part of screen right to logos... But I must
admit that I did not test it - maybe that it is completely
broken idea as I was not able to find, which problem sparc drivers have that
they do not _clear() before show_logo, but do putcs after show_logo()...
Best regards,
Petr Vandrovec

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