Re: Digital Cameras...

James Willard (
Mon, 9 Aug 1999 22:04:08 -0400 (EDT)

Buy one of the cameras that stores the images on 3.5" floppies as JPEGs.
They can be a bit more pricey, but it's nice not having to worry about
running out of flash ram before you can offload the images.

James Willard, CCNA

> I'd like to get a digital camera, primarily for doing stuff on the web
> to save from having to develop film, scan, etc.
> I don't want to have to go buy a computer and put Whendoze on it. I
> don't even really want to have to buy a PC.
> I've only looked at one camera so far (Nikon Coolpix 950), and it would
> seem to have a serial interface but it has proprietary drivers for getting the
> pictures from the camera to a PC, unless you get a memory card reader, which
> connects to a PC parallel port and also uses proprietary software, for
> Whendoze.
> Here, I run mostly Sparc systems, only one PC, most of the machines run
> Linux (a few still run SunOS 4.1.4 owing to the lack of FDDI support for Sparc
> machines running Linux)...
> Can anybody tell me if there are any digital cameras that work under
> Linux, preferably that aren't tied to the PC hardware architecture, preferably
> in the megapixel range?
> If that's not the case, are there any emulators that work under Linux that
> emulate Whenbloze sufficiently well to allow software like that for the Coolpix
> to work under Linux without having to boot up Whenblows?
> I'd really like something that I can bring pictures into my workstation
> without the need to switch hardware or boot a different OS. Thanks for any
> advice you can offer.
> -
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James D. Willard, CCNA | Linux/FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Novell/Win/DOS/Minix User   | finger for PGP Public Key
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