Buslogic problem in 2.3.13

Drew Bernat (abernat@zathras.net)
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 02:11:47 -0500 (CDT)

In kernels 2.3.13-pre8 and 2.3.13 (possibly earlier) a bug was introduced
in the Buslogic.c module. The variable PCI_Device->resource[0] is 1 less
than it should be, and thus the check of (BaseAddress0 &
PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_SPACE) fails. I've worked around it by adding 1 to the
variable PCI_Device->resource[0], but that is not the best way.


Drew Bernat                                                __ ____
abernat@zathras.net                                         |  | |
http://www.zathras.net                                         | |

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