Re: Newbie question - Patching

Arvind Sankar (
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 14:02:27 -0400

On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 12:53:30PM -0400, Ron Brinker wrote:
> I don't know how to answer these questions/what to do. I am running
> stock Redhat 6.0 with both the Kernel-Source-2.2.5-15 and
> Kernel-Headers-2.2.5-15 RPMs installed. Should I just download the
> entire 2.2.10 source tree instead of patching, and if so where do I get
> the updated kernel-headers?

this is indeed the problem. The patches from are meant for the
stock linux kernel. redhat's distributed source already contains lots of
patches. Your best bet is to download linux-2.2.10.tar.gz from
Remember to move redhat's kernel tree out of the way before extracting it.
It will come out as linux/*.

-- arvind

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