FAT filesystem... Please...

Petr Vandrovec Ing. VTEI (VANDROVE@vc.cvut.cz)
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:34:07 MET-1

Hi Alexander, hi others,
as I'm occassionaly using VFAT to move large chunks (gibibytes) of data
accross Prague and on some destination sites, there is Winblows only, I
preffer having FAT support in kernel. Because of it looks like that some
peoples still needs broken i_binary flag, I have an offer:
If someone (Alexander?) updates FAT to get rid of update_vm_cache,
I promise that I'll write (slow) backward compatibility code for those who
really needs CRLF<->LF and EOF->nothing handling in kernel... With broken
mmap and lseek, of course... But because of all tools I know can revert from
mmap to read/write and `lseek(fd, lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR), SEEK_SET)' works as
expected, I do not see any problem here...
BTW, why if read stops at EOF (chr 26) (and why it stops? I did not saw
file ending with chr 26 for years, but I saw text files with right arrow
couple of times), write does not stop at chr 26 write? Or why we do not
add that char at file close if we write above file end in this session?
Or why it does not convert CP852 to ISO-8859-2... Or... Or... What about
Best regards,
Petr Vandrovec

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