Re: Hot Swap/Fail Over/ and Compact PCI Support

Ingo Molnar (
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:27:00 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 wrote:

> He's not very specific about what the current patch set supports, just
> "this is what we used for our hot-swap demo". As I've been living under
> a rock lately I don't know if that demo included just swapping PCI
> cards, or CPUs as well (I doubt it, tho).

some of the x86 SMP bits in 2.2 have been recently (a few months ago)
streamlined to ease future hot-swapping of CPUs. Given the hardware
supports it of course. Swapping CPUs kernel-wise should now be pretty

hot-swapping PCI is a completely different animal - i suspect the recent
2.3 resource management advancements enable it as well.

-- mingo

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