2.3.11-1: Missing symbols in modules

Horst von Brand (vonbrand@sleipnir.valparaiso.cl)
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 18:17:38 -0400

I'm getting unresolved symbols on several modules here (i586, UP). I'd
assume it is a simple matter of adding the missing symbols to the tables,
but due to the recent changes I don't dare to for now.

This I believe is a side effect of the recent changes, in floppy.o:

Missing for some time now in IPv6 and QoS modules:

Also, possibly recent, in a joystick module:

And this in NFS:

Horst von Brand                             vonbrand@sleipnir.valparaiso.cl
Casilla 9G, Viņa del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616

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