2.2.x hang on boot

Kelvin Edwards (kelvin@jlab.org)
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 17:14:29 -0400

I have a quad Pentium III xeon machine that I cannot get to
boot using RedHat 5.2 and a compiled kernel > 2.0.36. When
it tries to boot the 2.2.6 (for example) kernel, it gets to
the "OK, booting the kernel" point and locks up. I must do a
manual reset at this point. The system is running fine with
the default 2.0.36 kernel installed, but I would like to move
to the 2.2.6 kernel to implement RAID-0 and SMP.

Current (2.0.36) configuration is

Kernel modules 2.1.85
Gnu C
Linux C Library 2.0.7
Dynamic linker ldd (GNU libc) 2.0.7
Linux C++ Library 2.8.0
Procps 1.2.9
Mount 2.8a
Net-tools 1.46
Kbd 0.96
Sh-utils 1.16
Modules Loaded nfs autofs eepro100 appletalk ipx ncr53c8xx

The machine has 1GB of memory (I use the append function of lilo to
tell the kernel that it has something smaller -- 512M, or 960M) and
3 SCSI disks on the Symbios 53C896 bus.

I have used both the sym53c8xx driver and the ncr53c8xx driver in the
kernel and have yet to get either to boot. Any suggestions on what
how to compile the kernel to get it to load would be much appreciated.

Kelvin Edwards
System Administrator
Jefferson Lab

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