[OT?] Re: script for compiling the kernel

Marc Mutz (Marc@Mutz.com)
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 21:25:16 +0200

Riley Williams wrote:
<snipped a lot :-) >
> I have recently set up several different 386dx/{16,20,25} based
> systems as print servers and inter-network-segment gateways for a
> school, and I would hate to compile a modern Linux kernel on one of
> those systems.
My brain just came up with a weird idea:
What if someone cared to set up a "compilation service" for the usual
kernels (e.g. unpatched vanilla and -ac ones) running some fat machines
(or a cluster*), where you could post your kernel version, .config and
directory structure (to be determined by a script like Steffen's), wait
a minute and receive a tarball with the compiled kernel and modules that
one could
cd /;tar xfz tarball.tgz;/sbin/lilo
as the last step.

It's unrealistic to do such on a world-wide scale, but given a big
company or university or even a small country -- wouldn't that be nice?
I'd love to set up one of these, if I get my hands on the
fresh(ly?)-installed linux cluster in out th. physics department.

*Is there a version of 'make' that can rsh/ssh the jobs to a cluster (or
a given set of boxes, pvm would be nice...), just like vanilla make does
wrt. CPU's when used with the -j switch (I know, actually linux is the
one that spreads the jobs across the CPUs, not make -- just my limited
ability to formulate correctly :-)

Comments, Flames?


Marc Mutz <Marc@Mutz.com>                    http://marc.mutz.com/
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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