Re: linux headers and C++

Alan Cox (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 22:53:04 +0100 (BST)

> new should throw bad_alloc if it fails to allocate memory. If you catch
> and rethrow exceptions properly you can do all the standard releasing of

That needs exceptions. You will have a fairly bad time trying to handle
C++ exceptions in the Linux kernel (apart from the giant table size g++
outputs you have to deal with interrupts, re-entrant exception handling and
the like - and of course you have to handle running out of memory in the
exception handler (yes this last one is foul in C too))

> The primary reason I can see to keep C++ out of the kernel is that the user
> base doesn't seem to be large enough to get over the initial barrier of
> making it work and supporting it yet. If it were, the necessary patches
> would already be in doubters hands and none of us would be wasting
> bandwidth on the subject.

Writing mainstream kernel code in C++ would IMHO be crazy. Allowing people
to write C++ modules seems to be quite reasonable.


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