Re: I'm really confused by kernel nfsd

Marc Mutz (
Tue, 06 Jul 1999 21:33:42 +0200

Tim Ricketts wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, Marty Leisner wrote:
> > One of the most useful aspects of linux user-level nfsd is I could
> > export / in one, it seems I can only export one file
> > system per do I export a tree of filesystems (if I can't, I'm
> > going to go back to user level nfs since this is too big a win...)
> Isn't that what CONFIG_NFSD_SUN does?
Nope. As far as I understand it, CONFIG_NFSD_SUN (CNS) affects the
export of local mount points. Let me explain:
If you have CNS enabled (disabled), your /usr lies on a sep. fs and you
export /usr, then the NFS client gets to see the files that are masked
so to speak by mounting /usr, i.e. the files that reside in /usr *prior*
to mounting the real /usr onto it.
If you have CNS disabled (enabled), then the NFS client gets to see the
fs as the local user sees it.

Hope that was right :-)


Marc Mutz <>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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