Re: linux headers and C++

Alan Cox (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 17:01:31 +0100 (BST)

> from "USB" and "modem". And the like with
> USB soundcards, etc. Then you could

Unfortunately planed earth doesn't work like that. USB sound is very different
at the low level to conventional sound cards. At the higher level well gee we
inherit the behaviour from the sound core and from the OSS layer if we want.

> realize that, if Linux was a truly an OO OS,
> the USB should be realized months ago...

No. I have a big problem with people who have read too much and hacked
too little. As Fred Brooks says - there is no silver bullet. Having worked
with real OO languages like smalltalk C++ is more of a waterpistol anyway.

Linux is text book good OO. There is little multiple inheritance, there is
very clean modularity. At the same time you don't need a VRML 3D class
browsers to view the class structure.

People with strange naive ideas that somehow C++ gives you instant USB need
to write more low level code. Unfortunately many people who write text books
write the books before they do that, or because they can't.

> suited than C (how could you do multiple
> inheritance in C, without writing very
> unreadable code?), but you know, you

Function arrays. BTW Multiple inheritance is seen as a terrible evil sin
by OO purists, because your programs just turn to crud once you start abusing it


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