Re: The stability crisis

Albert D. Cahalan (
Fri, 2 Jul 1999 20:43:22 -0400 (EDT)

Jes Sorensen writes:
> "Brian" == brian <> writes:

>> I would like my oops'ing systems to send the oops to another
>> system via an ethernet interface. How about a UDP packet?
>> Nice connectionless protocol. Compile the MAC/IP address into
>> the kernel. Opps occurs, build the UDP packet with the measly
>> 2K oops message in it and send.
> Before you can do this you need a hardware address for the receiver,

How about using the Ethernet broadcast address?

> So in principle one could hack something like this, but it will be
> nasty, it will require a special Ethernet driver going in,
> initializing the card from scratch (it could be the interface that
> crashed) and then send out the packet.

Think of all the _perfect_ oops reports. Typos won't happen.
With a compile-time UUID, it would be easy to identify the
correct for any crash on a LAN.

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