Re: The stability crisis

Rudolf Leitgeb (
Thu, 01 Jul 1999 13:10:59 -0700 (PDT)

I've seen numerous reports about repeated lockups without traces. I've had
a similar experience but completely solved it by changing the motherboard.
I don't know why it would hang, but most likely the motherboard didn't like
the heat or didn't like my CPU or whatever. Changing various BIOS settings
would improve stability somehow, but the next evening the system would be
frozen again. No traces, nothing, just stopped.

Since the same board ran flawlessly with the old CPU I knew that it
was a hardware issue, and, as mentioned before, the new motherboard
completely solved the problem. I encourage everybody with these lockups
to try several different kernels and only cry murder if only one particular
version causes these problems.




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